Nga Poutoko A Mua

Information, contact and reviews of Nga Poutoko A Mua in Te Puke .

Nga Poutoko A Mua information

What type of school is Nga Poutoko A Mua?

Nga Poutoko A Mua is a Privately owned school in Te Puke.
It has 30 students enrolled.

School ID : 47399

School Name : Nga Poutoko A Mua

Organisation type: Education and Care Service

Definition: Not Applicable

Authority: Privately owned

20 Hours ECE : Yes

Equity Index : EQI 4

Territorial Authority : Western Bay of Plenty District

Regional Council : Bay of Plenty Region

Education region: Bay of Plenty/Waiariki

General Electorate : East Coast

Mori electorate : Waiariki

Census Area Unit : Rangiuru

Ward: Maketu-Te Puke Ward

Nga Poutoko A Mua students

Total Enrolments: 30
The total number of students in Nga Poutoko A Mua

Management telephone: 07-3481106

Col id: 99086

Col name : Te Puke Community of Learning

Under 2s : 8

Age 1 enrolments : 5

Age 2 enrolments: 4

Total enrolments: 9

European enrolments: 1

Mori enrolments: 8

Nga Poutoko A Mua Address

Discover how to get to Nga Poutoko A Mua in Te Puke

Nga Poutoko A Mua Location

Street: 20 Malcolm Avenue

Town / City: Te Puke

Nga Poutoko A Mua GPS Location

latitude : -37.802071000

longitude : 176.374355000

Nga Poutoko A Mua Postal Address

Mailing Address: C/o Nga Poutoko A Mua Ltd 1152A Eruera Street

Mailing Address - City or town: Rotorua 3010

Nga Poutoko A Mua suburb map

Nga Poutoko A Mua contact

Management Contact Name : Geoffrey Rice

Telephone: 07 573 9447

Nga Poutoko A Mua Ratings

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