Wood Wise Limited

Information, contact and reviews of Wood Wise Limited in Whakarewarewa.

Wood Wise Limited information

What type of school is Wood Wise Limited?

Wood Wise Limited is a Privately Owned Private Training Establishment in Whakarewarewa.

School ID : 8454
Unique number assigned to each institution

School Name : Wood Wise Limited
Full name of each institution

Organisation type: Private Training Establishment

Definition: Trades and Services
Definition provides further descriptive information on the type of each institution

Authority: Privately Owned
Ownership/operation or registration status of each educational institution

Regional Council : Bay of Plenty Region

Wood Wise Limited Address

Discover how to get to Wood Wise Limited in Whakarewarewa (Rotorua Mail Centre)

Wood Wise Limited Location

Street: 49 Sala Street

Suburb: Whakarewarewa

Town / City: Whakarewarewa

Wood Wise Limited Postal Address

Mailing Address: P O Box 494

Mailing Address suburb: Rotorua Mail Centre

Mailing Address - City or town: Rotorua

Post code: 3040

Wood Wise Limited suburb map

Rotorua District

Wood Wise Limited contact

Telephone: 07 349 1608
Telephone number for each institution, including area code

Fax: 07 349 4703
Facsimile number for each institution, including area code

Wood Wise Limited Website

Website for the Private Training Establishment URL: http://www.woodwise.co.nz
Wood Wise Limited web page

Wood Wise Limited Ratings

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Opinions and reviews of Wood Wise Limited in Whakarewarewa

Reviews from teachers, students and parents.


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