Information, contact and reviews of BestStart Oraha Road in Kumeu .
BestStart Oraha Road information
What type of school is BestStart Oraha Road?
BestStart Oraha Road is a Privately owned school in Kumeu.
It has 91 students enrolled.
School ID : 47490
School Name : BestStart Oraha Road
Organisation type: Education and Care Service
Definition: Not Applicable
Authority: Privately owned
20 Hours ECE : Yes
Equity Index : EQI 5+
Territorial Authority : Auckland - Rodney
Regional Council : Auckland Region
Education region: Auckland
General Electorate : Helensville
Mori electorate : Te Tai Tokerau
Census Area Unit : Kumeu East
Ward: Rodney Ward
BestStart Oraha Road students
Total Enrolments: 91
The total number of students in BestStart Oraha Road
Management telephone: 09-2504136
Under 2s : 20
BestStart Oraha Road Address
Discover how to get to BestStart Oraha Road in Kumeu (Manukau City)
BestStart Oraha Road Location
Street: 105 Oraha Road
Town / City: Kumeu
BestStart Oraha Road GPS Location
latitude : -36.767861000
longitude : 174.554432000
BestStart Oraha Road Postal Address
Mailing Address: P O Box 276177
Mailing Address suburb: Manukau City
Mailing Address - City or town: South Auckland 2241
BestStart Oraha Road suburb map
BestStart Oraha Road contact
Management Contact Name : Jane Burke
Telephone: 09 282 8170
Email: [email protected]
BestStart Oraha Road Ratings
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Opinions and reviews of BestStart Oraha Road in
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