Karamu High School in Hastings: Information, contact and reviews.

Karamu High School information

What type of school is Karamu High School?

Karamu High School is a State school in Hastings.
It has students enrolled.

School ID : 229

School Name : Karamu High School

Organisation type: Secondary (Year 9-15)

Definition: Not Applicable

Authority: State

School Donations: Donations should not be requested, unless for a school camp

Defined institution genders are:: Co-Educational
A summary description of the gender(s) accepted by the institution

Territorial Authority : Hastings District

Regional Council : Hawke's Bay Region

Education region: Hawke's Bay/Tairawhiti

General Electorate : Tukituki

Mori electorate : Ikaroa-Rawhiti

Census Area Unit : Karamu

Ward: Heretaunga Ward

Local office name : Napier

Isolation index: 1.24

Decile: 4

Melaa: 8

Karamu High School students

Total Enrolments:
The total number of students in Karamu High School

Col id: 99136

Col name : Whirinaki Community of Learning

Total enrolments: 849

European enrolments: 467

Mori enrolments: 304

Pacific enrolments: 27

Asian enrolments: 40

Other enrolments: 3

Karamu High School Address

Discover how to get to Karamu High School in Hastings (Parkvale)

Karamu High School Location

Street: Windsor Avenue

Suburb: Parkvale-Napier/Hastings

Town / City: Hastings

Karamu High School GPS Location

latitude : -39.646511

longitude : 176.866435

Karamu High School Postal Address

Mailing Address: P O Box 346

Mailing Address suburb: Parkvale

Mailing Address - City or town: Hastings

Karamu High School suburb map

Karamu High School contact

Management Contact Name : Michael Leitch

Telephone: 06 878 7139

Fax: 06 878 7937

Email: [email protected]

Karamu High School Website

Website for the school URL: http://www.karamu.school.nz
Karamu High School web page

Karamu High School Ratings

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