Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington)

Information, contact and reviews of Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington) in Cambridge .

Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington) information

What type of school is Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington)?

Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington) is a Privately owned school in Cambridge.
It has 50 students enrolled.

School ID : 47412

School Name : Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington)

Organisation type: Education and Care Service

Definition: Not Applicable

Authority: Privately owned

20 Hours ECE : Yes

Equity Index : EQI 5+

Territorial Authority : Waipa District

Regional Council : Waikato Region

Education region: Waikato

General Electorate : Taupo

Mori electorate : Hauraki-Waikato

Census Area Unit : Leamington East

Ward: Cambridge Ward

Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington) students

Total Enrolments: 50
The total number of students in Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington)

Management telephone: 07-8234073

Col id: 99034

Col name : Te Puna o Kemureti Community of Learning

Under 2s : 16

Age 0 enrolments: 2

Age 1 enrolments : 18

Age 2 enrolments: 7

Age 3 enrolments: 5

Age 4 enrolments: 3

Age 5 enrolments: 1

Total enrolments: 36

European enrolments: 21

Mori enrolments: 13

Pacific enrolments: 1

Asian enrolments: 1

Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington) Address

Discover how to get to Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington) in Cambridge (Hillcrest)

Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington) Location

Street: 22 Froude Street

Suburb: Leamington

Town / City: Cambridge

Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington) GPS Location

latitude : -37.916977000

longitude : 175.471712000

Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington) Postal Address

Mailing Address: P O Box 13012

Mailing Address suburb: Hillcrest

Mailing Address - City or town: Hamilton 3251

Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington) suburb map

Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington) contact

Management Contact Name : Nicole Honiss

Telephone: 07 823 4073

Email: [email protected]

Little Sparrows Educare (Leamington) Ratings

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