Information, contact and reviews of Presentation / De La Salle College in Muine Bheag, Carlow.
Presentation / De La Salle College information
What type of school is Presentation / De La Salle College?
Presentation / De La Salle College is a Muine Bheag school in Carlow County Council.
It has 731 students enrolled.
Roll number: 61150N
Eircode: R21X096
Deisyn : N
Irish classification description : No subjects taught through Irish
Gaeltacht indicator : N
Islandyn : N
Post-Primary school type : Secondary
Pupil attendance type: Day
Fee paying school : N
Presentation / De La Salle College students
Total Enrolments: 731
The total number of students in Presentation / De La Salle College
Girls Enrolments : 337
The total number of female students.
Boys Enrolments : 394
The total number of male students.
Presentation / De La Salle College Principal’s
Principal’s name: MR. JOHN KEANE
Teaching staff:
The number of full-time and part-time Presentation / De La Salle College teaching staff members.
Presentation / De La Salle College Address
Discover how to get to Presentation / De La Salle College in Muine Bheag (Royal Oak Road )
Royal Oak Road - Muine Bheag - Co. Carlow - - CarlowCarlow County Council
Presentation / De La Salle College suburb map
Presentation / De La Salle College contact
Presentation / De La Salle College email: [email protected]
Contact email
Presentation / De La Salle College phone number : 0599721860
Contact phone number
Presentation / De La Salle College Ratings
If you know this school, please rate your opinion about it from 1 to 5.
You can also express your opinion about this school in Carlow in the opinions, comments and reviews section.
Academic year enrolment : 2019
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Opinions and reviews of Presentation / De La Salle College in
Reviews from teachers, students and parents.
Our users often ask questions and request information about the term dates, uniform , ofsted, mumsnet, teachers, former pupils and classmates, teachers and experiences.
Principal walks into the students bathroom which makes students UNCOMFORTABLE there is mold in the ceilings which students are constantly breathing in and it’s been there for years now nothing has been done