Information, contact and reviews of Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA in Kells, Meath.

Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA information

What type of school is Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA?

Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA is a Kells school in 0469241425.
It has students enrolled.

Roll number: 18174J

Ethos : Catholic

Deisyn : N

Irish classification description : No subjects through Irish

Gaeltacht indicator : Y

Islandyn : N

Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA students

Total Enrolments:
The total number of students in Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA

Girls Enrolments : 64
The total number of female students.

Boys Enrolments : 75
The total number of male students.

Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA Principal’s

Principal’s name: Ann Jordan

Teaching staff:
The number of full-time and part-time Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA teaching staff members.

Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA Address

Discover how to get to Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA in Kells (Oristown )

Oristown - Kells - Co. Meath. - - Meath

Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA suburb map

Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA contact

Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA email: [email protected]
Contact email

Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA Ratings

If you know this school, please rate your opinion about it from 1 to 5.
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Academic year enrolment : 2019



Opinions and reviews of Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA in

Reviews from teachers, students and parents. 
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1 thought on “Scoil Naisiunta CAITRIONA NAOFA”

  1. I’ve serious concerns about this school, my daughter Ava Maria Rennicks Boyle/Ava Rennicks Boyle, I’m unsure what name she is enrolled as because I wasn’t informed about her attending the school. I’ve contacted the school regarding who is on a list for collection/drop off to school for my daughter and I’m getting no information. I’ve asked the school to provide extra support for Ava who is only 6 because she isn’t allowed to see her sister and father for the last 6 months and has only seen them for 13 hrs since 10 may 2022,missing out on birthday’s, christmas, family Occasions children should have to endure this abuse and the school aren’t doing anything to help her cope with such damage. I would have grave concerns sending children to this school as the school doesn’t tell adults who is around there children and doesn’t help them in time of distress .I currently haven’t been notified of any sick days, or ailments or even worse stuff by the school. I don’t know when my daughter is at this school or when she isn’t at it,I should be notified straight away of any concerns etc etc


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