Gauß-Gymnasium Worms

Informationen, Kontakt und Bewertungen von Gauß-Gymnasium in Worms Rheinland-Pfalz.

Gauß-Gymnasium Allgemeine Informationen

Welche Schulform ist Gauß-Gymnasium?

Die Gauß-Gymnasium ist eine Schule ohne Rassismus - Schule mit Courage school in Worms Rheinland-Pfalz.

Schulname: Gauß-Gymnasium
Der offizielle Name der Schule.

Schultyp : Schule ohne Rassismus - Schule mit Courage

Gauß-Gymnasium Kontakt

STANDORT DER Gauß-Gymnasium

Wie komme ich zu Gauß-Gymnasium in Worms Rheinland-Pfalz

Stadt: Worms

Vollständige Adresse: Von-Steuben-Straße 31


Postleitzahl: 67549

Gauß-Gymnasium GPS Koordinaten

Gauß-Gymnasium Karte

Gauß-Gymnasium Bewertungen

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Meinungen und Bewertungen von Gauß-Gymnasium in Worms

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Ein Gedanke zu „Gauß-Gymnasium Worms“

  1. We moved often within Germany and abroad in the past few years, but I can say that the Gauß Gymnasium is by far the worst school we ever sent our son to.

    A total lack of methodology, continuous episodes of bullying that the school denies, teachers missing for Covid or personal reasons without a replacement (means you never know when the school starts in the morning or ends, a real chaos for parents who need to organize themselves to pick up their children at school), vandalism, or children jumping from windows during unattended lessons. Additionally, nobody guards the schoolyard during breaks, so anything can happen.

    The lockdown situation was handled in the worst possible way, with children left on their own, no daily classes, just homework that nobody was even checking – so much for the children’s learning process – almost two years wasted!

    Not to mention the complete lack of empathy of cold-blooded teachers and school direction that have little to no interest in children’s wellness and improvement, but stick to outdated and miserable ‘rules’. The director is probably the worst, he laughs in your face if you report problems.

    Sadly, other parents have a bad opinion of this school too, but cannot do much because of the lack of options the city has to offer. Nevertheless, we have decided to take our son to another school for his well being, and have nothing more to do with this so-called school.

    The Gauß Gymnasium should go under a proper assessment and internal investigation by the School authority, and the director removed from his position.

    Don’t send your child to this school!


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