Information, contact and reviews of Neilson Grove Elementary in Delta.
Neilson Grove Elementary General information
What type of school is Neilson Grove Elementary?
Neilson Grove Elementary is a Public School school in Delta, Province of British Columbia.
School Name : Neilson Grove Elementary
The official name of the school.
School type : Public School
Neilson Grove Elementary Levels in Delta
Educational levels in Neilson Grove Elementary
Early childhood education (Pre-K): Does not have Early childhood education (Pre-K)
Kindergarten (K): Yes, it has a kindergarten
Elementary (1-6): Yes, it has a Elementary
Junior secondary (7-9): Yes, it has a Junior secondary
Senior secondary (10-12):
Neilson Grove Elementary location
How to get to Neilson Grove Elementary in Delta
Street name: admiral blvd
Street number: 5500
Province : BC
Postal Code: V4K5B7
Full address: 5500 Admiral Blvd Delta BC V4K 5B7
Neilson Grove Elementary GPS coodinates
Latitude: 49.10577571
Longitude: -123.0741255
geo_source: AGOL
Neilson Grove Elementary map
Neilson Grove Elementary Ratings
If you know this school, please rate your opinion about it from 1 to 5.
You can also express your opinion about this Public School school in Delta (BC) in the opinions, comments and reviews section.
Neilson Grove Elementary Related Schools
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- Delview Secondary
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- Gibson Elementary
- McCloskey Elementary
- Heath Traditional Elementary
- Pebble Hill Traditional Elementary
- North Delta Secondary
- Home Quest
- Beach Grove Elementary
- Hawthorne Elementary
Opinions and reviews of Neilson Grove Elementary in Delta
Reviews from teachers, students and parents.
Our users often ask questions and request information about the term dates, uniform, ofsted, mumsnet, teachers, former pupils and classmates, teachers and experiences.
Authority name: .. | provider: Province of British Columbia | csduid: 5915011 | csdname: Delta | pruid: 59 | Postcode: V4K5B7
Originally posted 2020-09-12 03:16:41.
this school has tons of bullying and the teachers and principals dont do anything about it i do not reccomend going to this school from the years k to 5 but after that is horrible its like the teachers dont even care about the kids.