Kent Road Public School ?

Information, contact and reviews of Kent Road Public School in Eastwood.

The page dedicated to Kent Road Public School in Eastwood serves as a comprehensive resource for parents and students looking for in-depth information about the school. From academic offerings to extracurricular activities, we aim to provide a detailed overview of what you can expect from this educational institution.

Kent Road Public School General information

What type of school is Kent Road Public School?

Kent Road Public School is Major Cities school in Eastwood, New South Wales.
It has 747 students enrolled and 37 teachers.

AGE ID: 7771
The Australian Government Department of Education ID.

School Name : Kent Road Public School
The official name of the school.

School sector : Government

School Type : Primary

Campus type : School Single Entity

Governing Body: Department of Education NSW
The governing body for the school Kent Road Public School

Kent Road Public School students

Year range : K-6
The range of year levels offered by Kent Road Public School

Total Enrolments: 747
The total number of students in Kent Road Public School

Girls Enrolments : 375
The total number of female students.

Boys Enrolments : 372
The total number of male students.

Full Time Equivalent Enrolments : 747
The number of students enrolled at the school expressed in terms of full-time students.

Language Background Other Than English (%) : 73
The proportion of students within a school's population in in Kent Road Public School who speak a language other than English at home.

Kent Road Public School RANKING

ICSEA : 1140
The Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage score for the Kent Road Public School

Bottom Socio-Educational Advantage : 3
The percentage of students positioned in the lowest socio-educational advantage quarter in Kent Road Public School

Lower Middle Socio-Educational Advantage : 8
The percentage of students positioned in the lower middle socio-educational advantage quarter in Kent Road Public School

Upper Middle Socio-Educational Advantage : 25
The percentage of students positioned in the higher middle socio-educational advantage quarter in Kent Road Public School

Top Socio-Educational Advantage: 65
The percentage of students positioned in the highest socio-educational advantage quarter in Kent Road Public School

Kent Road Public School Teachers

Teaching staff: 37
The number of full-time and part-time Kent Road Public School teaching staff members.

Kent Road Public School Non teaching staff

Non teaching staff : 3
non teaching staff

Non teaching staff full time : 4,5
A full-time is counted as 1.0; one days a week is counted as 0.2

Kent Road Public School location

Descubre como llegar a Kent Road Public School de Eastwood (NSW )

State: New South Wales (NSW)

Postcode: 2122

Geolocation: Major Cities

Kent Road Public School GPS coodinates

Latitude: -33,787415

Longitude: 151,108936

Kent Road Public School suburb map

Kent Road Public School Statistical Area
Statistical Area source is the ABS Australian Statistical Geography Standard
Statistical Area 1 (1150010):
Statistical Area 2 (11500): Macquarie Park - Marsfield
Statistical Area 3 (12602): Ryde - Hunters Hill
Statistical Area 4 (126): Sydney - Ryde

ABS Remoteness Area : Major Cities of Australia
The geographical classification of the Kent Road Public School location according to the ABS Remoteness Area definitions

Kent Road Public School contact

Kent Road Public School Website

Website for the school URL:
Kent Road Public School web page

Kent Road Public School Ratings

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