Complete information and opinions about the Regular school SALEM HIGH
At InfoSchools you can consult all the information regarding SALEM HIGH of Salem city, Virginia, as well as opinions, testimonials, reviews and comments from parents, teachers and students.
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All the information about the school center SALEM HIGH, Salem city (VA)
Regular school SALEM HIGH address
- County name: Salem city
- Location city: Salem
- Location address 1: 400 Spartan Dr
- Location state abbr: VA
- Location zip: 24153
- Location zip4: 3296
SALEM HIGH location map HIGH+400 Spartan Dr,Salem,24153,Virginia,USA
GPS coordinates of SALEM HIGH
Latitude: 37,2954
Longitude: -80,0792
SALEM HIGH teachers
A full-time equivalent (FTE) attempts to standardise a full-time teacher’s teaching load against that of a part-time teacher. The basis for the calculation are the “statutory working hours” and not the “total or actual working hours” or “total or actual teaching hours”. - Pupil/teacher ratio: 15,03
SALEM HIGH students
- Total students all grades includesae: 1262
- Male students: 668
- Female students: 594
- Grades 9-12 students: 1262
- Grade 9 students: 321
- Grade 10 students: 331
- Grade 11 students: 322
- Grade 12 students: 288
- Asian or asianpacific islander students: 31
- Hispanic students: 79
- Black or africanamerican students: 152
- White students: 943
- Two or more races students: 57
- Total race ethnicity: 1262
All detailed information about the SALEM HIGH
- State name latest available year: Virginia
- State abbr latest available year: VA
- School name: SALEM HIGH
- school id nces assigned latest available year: 510346002043
- County name: Salem city
- Web:
- Location address 1: 400 Spartan Dr
- Location city: Salem
- Location state abbr: VA
- Location zip: 24153
- Location zip4: 3296
- Phone number: 5403872437
- Agency type district: Regular local school district that is NOT a component of a supervisory union
- School type: Regular school
- Updated status: Open
- Latitude: 37,2954
- Longitude: -80,0792
- State School id: VA-139-1390070
- cbsa name district : Roanoke VA
- congressional code: 5109
- congressional ode: 5109
- cbsa id district: 40220
- agency id nces assigned latest availableyear: 5103460
- county number: 51775
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I think it was ridiculous to have a homecoming dance (one of the most important events during high school) outside in Oct. in VA, These kids spent hundreds of dollars preparing for this dance and if u were worried about the gym floor u could have had the dance in the cafeteria or even asked the kids to remove their shoes. These kids planned for this event for months and to have it outside with a temp of 49 degrees was plain foolish. I’m sure I’m not the only one to complain as I’ve heard many parents were upset. Most kids didn’t stay at the dance as they were freezing. So all the expense was simply just like playing dress up. I called the school and that woman on the phone said her son borrowed a suit. That wasn’t the case with most kids. She also said the kids enjoyed the dance and I’ve been told that they were freezing and just left. U should be ashamed of yourselves to do this to your students. Someone who has a little bit more sense needs to plan things for future events. Of course, I wouldn’t expect too many kids to participate in the future after this farce. Shame on you!!