Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo in Lower Hutt: Information, contact and reviews.
Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo information
What type of school is Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo?
Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo is a Community based school in Lower Hutt.
It has 95 students enrolled.
School ID : 45553
School Name : Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo
Organisation type: Education and Care Service
Definition: Maori ECE service (excluding TKR)
Authority: Community based
20 Hours ECE : Yes
Equity Index : EQI 3
Territorial Authority : Lower Hutt City
Regional Council : Wellington Region
Education region: Wellington
General Electorate : Hutt South
Mori electorate : Ikaroa-Rawhiti
Census Area Unit : Homedale East
Ward: Wainuiomata Ward
Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo students
Total Enrolments: 95
The total number of students in Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo
Management telephone: 04-564 2215
Col id: 99090
Col name : Wainuiomata Community of Learning
Under 2s : 36
Age 0 enrolments: 5
Age 1 enrolments : 11
Age 2 enrolments: 16
Age 3 enrolments: 20
Age 4 enrolments: 15
Total enrolments: 71
European enrolments: 5
Mori enrolments: 61
Pacific enrolments: 1
Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo Address
Discover how to get to Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo in Lower Hutt (Wainuiomata)
Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo Location
Street: 82 Moohan Street
Suburb: Wainuiomata
Town / City: Lower Hutt
Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo GPS Location
latitude : -41.259493000
longitude : 174.953042000
Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo Postal Address
Mailing Address: P O Box 42122
Mailing Address suburb: Wainuiomata
Mailing Address - City or town: Lower Hutt 5049
Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo suburb map
Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo contact
Management Contact Name : Kuini Garthwaite
Telephone: 04 564 2215
Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo Ratings
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Opinions and reviews of Atiawa Nui Tonu Kōhanga Reo in Wainuiomata
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