Information, contact and reviews of Columba College in Dunedin.
Columba College information
What type of school is Columba College?
Columba College is a State : Integrated school in Dunedin.
It has students enrolled.
School ID : 386
School Name : Columba College
Organisation type: Composite
Definition: School with Boarding Facilities
Authority: State : Integrated
School Donations: Donations may be requested
Defined institution genders are:: Primary Co-ed; Secondary Girls
A summary description of the gender(s) accepted by the institution
Territorial Authority : Dunedin City
Regional Council : Otago Region
Education region: Otago/Southland
General Electorate : Dunedin North
Mori electorate : Te Tai Tonga
Census Area Unit : Roslyn North
Ward: Area Outside Ward
Local office name : Dunedin
Isolation index: 0.04
Decile: 10
Melaa: 6
International : 51
Columba College students
Total Enrolments:
The total number of students in Columba College
Total enrolments: 619
European enrolments: 460
Mori enrolments: 37
Pacific enrolments: 8
Asian enrolments: 48
Other enrolments: 9
Columba College Address
Discover how to get to Columba College in Dunedin
Columba College Location
Street: 399 Highgate
Suburb: Roslyn
Town / City: Dunedin
Columba College GPS Location
latitude : -45.863461
longitude : 170.493975
Columba College Postal Address
Mailing Address: Private Bag 1911
Mailing Address - City or town: Dunedin
Columba College suburb map
Columba College contact
Management Contact Name : Pauline Duthie
Telephone: 03 467 5188
Fax: 03 464 0418
Website for the school URL:
Columba College web page
Columba College Ratings
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