Information, contact and reviews of CARYSFORT National School in Blackrock, Dublin.
CARYSFORT National School information
What type of school is CARYSFORT National School?
CARYSFORT National School is a Blackrock school in 012885803.
It has students enrolled.
Roll number: 14586M
Ethos : Catholic
Deisyn : N
Irish classification description : No subjects through Irish
Gaeltacht indicator : N
Islandyn : N
CARYSFORT National School students
Total Enrolments:
The total number of students in CARYSFORT National School
Girls Enrolments : 299
The total number of female students.
Boys Enrolments : 297
The total number of male students.
CARYSFORT National School Principal’s
Principal’s name: Norma Linehan
Teaching staff:
The number of full-time and part-time CARYSFORT National School teaching staff members.
CARYSFORT National School Address
Discover how to get to CARYSFORT National School in Blackrock (Convent Road )
Convent Road - Blackrock - Co. Dublin - - Dublin012885803
CARYSFORT National School suburb map
CARYSFORT National School Ratings
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Academic year enrolment : 2019
Opinions and reviews of CARYSFORT National School in
Reviews from teachers, students and parents.
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