St. COLUMBAS National School Dublin Road: Reviews, information and contact

Information, contact and reviews of St. COLUMBAS National School in Tullow, Carlow.

St. COLUMBAS National School information

What type of school is St. COLUMBAS National School?

St. COLUMBAS National School is a Tullow school in 0599151873.
It has students enrolled.

Roll number: 13607M

Ethos : Church Of Ireland

Deisyn : N

Irish classification description : No subjects through Irish

Gaeltacht indicator : N

Islandyn : N

St. COLUMBAS National School students

Total Enrolments:
The total number of students in St. COLUMBAS National School

Girls Enrolments : 29
The total number of female students.

Boys Enrolments : 30
The total number of male students.

St. COLUMBAS National School Principal’s

Principal’s name: Michelle Hunter Garland

Teaching staff:
The number of full-time and part-time St. COLUMBAS National School teaching staff members.

St. COLUMBAS National School Address

Discover how to get to St. COLUMBAS National School in Tullow (Dublin Road)

Dublin Road - Tullow - Co. Carlow - - Carlow

St. COLUMBAS National School suburb map

St. COLUMBAS National School contact

St. COLUMBAS National School email: [email protected]
Contact email

St. COLUMBAS National School Ratings

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Academic year enrolment : 2019



Opinions and reviews of St. COLUMBAS National School in

Reviews from teachers, students and parents. 
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