Information, contact and reviews of St. Dominic School in Calgary.
St. Dominic School General information
What type of school is St. Dominic School?
St. Dominic School is a Separate school in Calgary, Province of Alberta.
School Name : St. Dominic School
The official name of the school.
School type : Separate
St. Dominic School Levels in Calgary
Educational levels in St. Dominic School
Early childhood education (Pre-K):
Kindergarten (K): Yes, it has a kindergarten
Elementary (1-6): Yes, it has a Elementary
Junior secondary (7-9): Does not have Junior secondary
Senior secondary (10-12):
St. Dominic School location
How to get to St. Dominic School in Calgary
Street name: dalhart road nw
Street number: 4820
Province : AB
Postal Code: T3A1C2
Full address: 4820 Dalhart Road N.W. Calgary AB T3A1C2
St. Dominic School GPS coodinates
Latitude: 51.10932646
Longitude: -114.1546884
geo_source: AGOL
St. Dominic School map
St. Dominic School Ratings
If you know this school, please rate your opinion about it from 1 to 5.
You can also express your opinion about this Separate school in Calgary (AB) in the opinions, comments and reviews section.
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Opinions and reviews of St. Dominic School in Calgary
Reviews from teachers, students and parents.
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Authority name: The Calgary Roman Catholic Separate School Division | provider: Province of Alberta | csduid: 4806016 | csdname: Calgary | pruid: 48 | Postcode: T3A1C2
Originally posted 2020-09-12 08:25:29.